Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bila Papa ke dapur

Assalamualaikum dan salam 1Malaysia..

Tak dinafikan bahawa papaku antara lelaki/suami/papa/datuk yang sering ke dapur untuk menunjukkan skil memasak yang boleh dikatakan mantap....dan hasil masakan papa boleh diberi ‘standing ovation’ tapi untuk masakan yang menjadi la…kadang2 ada gak tak jadi..terlebih minyak la..itu la..ini la..sbb tu muka anak beliau berminyak dan kesannya adalah lapisan muka ku dihiasi indah dengan manik2 merah dan ada yang btukar menjadi warna cokelat....Wajarkah papaku dipersalahkan dalam hal ini? Oh tidak…muka mama tak de kesan pun...makin berseri jer..mungkin berkat hasil tangan seorang suami..….Secara konklusinya, jangan sesekali tidak menjamah masakan beliau...kalau terlebih minyak tu..anggap je terlebih curah kasih sayang..gembirakanlah hati orang tua dengan ikhlas..dapat pahala…

Berbalik kepada tajuk di atas….papaku ni juga sering mencipta resepi dan menukar2 lauk dari tak berkuah jd berkuah…dari berkuah bertukar menjadi langsung tak de kuah..contohnya..hari ini masak gulai ayam…boleh jadi esok gulai ayam tu bertukar menjadi ‘bergedil’ (padahal anak beliau belum puas mkn gulai ayam yang sedap itu)…ada satu kisah bab tukar2 ni…semalam, betapa rajinnya mama menolong aku memasak ‘daging masak kicap’.untuk makan malam..kalau bab masak memasak ni aku masih peringkat Prof Madya….belum ke tahap Datuk Dr Prof Er..(fuh pangkat di dunia)…kerana itu, aku masih membutuhkan bantuan mama…Mama sering berpesan..sambil2 masak tu..jangan lupa berzikir..

Berbalik lagi sekali kepada tajuk di atas, kami makan malam sebelum azan maghrib berkumandang….dalam pukul 6.30 petang…(kaum cina biasanya makan sebelum malam)..masa makan, kelihatan papaku agak excited dan berselera menjamah ‘daging masak kicap’ yang telah dimasak olehku dengan jayanya…seraya hatiku berkata “sedap kot aku masak”..hee..memuji diri sendiri..Alhamdulillah kenyang

lebih kurang pukul 9.30 malam…papa ke dapur…aku di ruang tamu..terhidu bau ‘ayam masak kicap’ yang dipanaskan…hatiku berbisik “papa nak mkn lagi la tu…sedap la tu..” sedang enak melayan hati ni..tetiba kedengaran seperti papa sedang masak sesuatu…tong tang tong..begitu la bunyinya bila sudip bertemu kuali..kemudian, papa memanggil mama dan aku ke dapur…untuk merasa masakan beliau…tau tak papa masak apa…rupa2nya

Papa telah menukar ‘daging masak kicap’ kepada ‘daging masak massala pedas’..sudah tukar…huhu…lauk yang aku masak kira tak mencapai tahap piawaian lidah papaku…masa makan tu…bukan wajah excited …tapi wajah kesian…~sekian~

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Do you like to play bowling? If you ask me…I will answer YES.… I love to play it. If I am not mistaken, the first time I played bowling was when I was eighteen. A person who introduced me this game was Yani, my best friend. We have known each other since primary school.

Me and yani

At first, I did not know how to play, how to hold and throw the bowling ball correctly and how to strike down all the pin balls. I just played without thinking much and did not feel ashamed even no pin balls fell. Now, I have improved my skills though it is not as perfect as the professional players who have practiced regularly, but I feel satisfied when I get good score.

left handed player

Actually, I had participated for two Bowling Tournaments. The first one, was when I worked in Automotive Lighting Factory as clerk five years ago. At that moment, my group didn’t win the prize but we had done the best and enjoyed the game.

Yani, Miza n Me

The second tournament was last couple of weeks which was organized by Puteri Teluk Kumbar Association. In this game, I played as individual and competed with my friends, Yani and Miza and another participants. We played for 3 games and I was on the same lane with Yani… I felt a little bit nervous at the beginning of the game, then after a while I felt more comfortable and I tried to score the best that I could. Deep inside me, I wanted to win but it didn’t matter which place I would get. But I did not think too much about this

matter... I just enjoyed and focused on games.

After we finished all the games, the hostess, Tini played her role to announce the winner. At that time, I was forlorn and felt that I would not get any place because other competitors made me impressed. Then,

Tini : The winner for the second place is NURUL AINI…

Nurul : just smile and walk forward to take present.


Alhamdulillah… even it was just a small tournament, but for me it was a big win and it certainly boosted my confidence to play again for another tournamenst. ~ END~

Friday, January 1, 2010


some people hate
some people love

some people procrastinators
some people act now

some people love to point fingers
some people love to extend their hands

some people question every answer
some people hava an answer to every question

some people hate to loss argument
some people love to win hearts

some people want a change
some people want to be the change

some people are blind except to their own colour
some people are colour blind

some people are proud to belong to their race
some people take pride in belonging to the human race

This New Year, is not about who is perfect...who is not...It is about sharing One Legacy, One Destiny, 1Malaysia..Sharing is caring....
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